Our Programs

The right solution for your team/organization


We offer a wide range of services to help you achieve your goals and have lasting results. 

The first step is a discovery session with you
to understand your goals and needs. Then, we co-create the right solution for your team/organization.   

Here are some of the popular components:

  • Discovery Phase to understand the status quo, identify any gaps, and structure the most effective solution:
    • employee surveys,
    • stakeholder interviews
    • communication analysis
    • culture assessment, etc.
  • Training Workshops for the leadership team and staff.
  • 1:1 coaching for leaders and key employees.
  • Cohort (group) coaching for emerging leaders, female leaders.
  • 6-week mental resilience training for the leadership team and staff (Positive Intelligence®).
  • Employee peer support group facilitation.

 These programs and services are tailored to address the needs of your organization and deliver the desired results.

Leadership Development Coaching and Training

Current research links well-developed "soft skills" in managers (coaching skills, feedback, empathy) with better performance of teams and organizations.

This has become even more vital when managing remote teams and/or during these times of uncertainty.

  • We offer individualized Coaching for leaders and key employees to support their growth in leadership and performance, deal with ongoing situations, and help them succeed.
  • Training and Leadership Development Courses provide knowledge, insight, and give the managers tools to lead effectively and deal with uncertainty. 

Here are some of the popular training workshops available: 

  • Being resilient in the midst of change, growth, and uncertainty.
  • Moving from Bud to Boss (new leader development).
  • How to handle difficult conversations.
  • Leading with emotional intelligence
  • Building your leadership coaching skills.
  • Best practices for leading remote teams.

Each of these trainings can be offered as a stand-alone half-day workshop or can be combined into a series of workshops to support a defined outcome.

Schedule an Executive Briefing to find out
if/how we can support your organization or your team

Click here to schedule



We work closely with your HR team, functional leaders, and employees to address the current goals and needs of the organization, as well as those of the employees. This co-created approach helps you achieve your goals and get lasting results.

We believe that when employees align their vision and personal goals with those of the organization, the result is greater engagement, higher performance, and increased leadership abilities.

This benefits the team and the organization as a whole.


Click here to schedule an Executive Briefing